Introducing Token Filings, a Transparency Directory for ICOs and Token Sales

Token Filings by William MougayarICOs and Token Sales present a new territory from an information disclosure point of view.

In traditional public markets, you can go to Bloomberg, Yahoo!Finance, Google Finance and check a plethora of profile and performance data on companies. Or you can get more in-depth company information by paying for services like FactSet, Capital IQ or Thomson Reuters. In the startup world, Crunchbase or Mattermark (I'm an investor) have that segment covered.

In the ICO/Blockchain world, a number of sites are covering ICOs from a research, promotional or token performance characteristics point of view (I enumerated most of them in a previous post, The Ultimate List of ICO Resources). However, there was no place where you can get a single holistic information view on these ICOs, had they been treated like public companies.

To help solve this gap, in the past few weeks, I’ve been working with my friend Bill Soitsmann on a project to develop such a database of ICO-related information, and pleased to open it today, in its beta stage.

About 200 companies are listed. For some of them, the data is complete, but for many others, it is not.

For each ICO, the data sections are:

  • Profile
  • Tokenonomics
  • Market
  • Docs
  • People
  • News

 In the process of finding the data for these companies, it was painstakingly obvious that the information was literally all over the place. The information is there, but it is difficult to find.The news section is particularly interesting if you like to follow this space. It is an aggregation of content from 250 sources. In addition to the main news on the home page, each ICO has its own news feed.

This isn’t an SEC/Edgar type of service, but it would be great if ICO companies would disclose this type of information clearly when they are communicating their token sale event and evolution. Regardless, you’ll be able to check Token Filings and get a picture.

Imagine the comparative data power we will have, once this data is complete.

If you are from an ICO that is not listed, or not completed, please email me ( or use the contact info in the footer, and we will send you a link to an entry form that you can update.

I’m also looking for help, if you are a research oriented student and want to learn about his burgeoning field. Please contact me.

Help me making this resource a useful one for our ecosystem. I’d love to get most of these companies’ profiles completed in the next 3 weeks, despite the summer doldrums.