Bad Actors or Failures Do Not Define The Crypto Industry

There is no point second-guessing the viability of the crypto industry. The industry's active participants are not going anywhere. The crypto/Blockchain industry is a complex set of technology pieces that are still maturing and growing, so it's common that it gets mischaracterized along the way. While its boundaries are still being defined, the ambitions of its dreams are not being lowered.

Increasingly More Severe, But Self-Inflicted Injuries

In retrospect, the tough moments that the crypto industry has endured in the past several years were self-inflicted. Mt. Gox, the DAO hack, Quadriga, every DeFi rug pull or vulnerability exploit and the recent UST/Terra situation were the result of bad/incompetent actors or projects from the industry itself.

What just happened with UST/Terra was not a symptom of a systemic matter. It was just one project. But since everything is interconnected, there is cause for concern because this last disaster and extent of the damages became bigger in scope.

Mt. Gox's losses were into the hundreds of millions, the DAO hack was $60 million, Quadriga was $200M, DeFi rug pulls or smart contract vulnerability exploits are typically in the $50-350M range. But the UST/Terra debacle was a $60B blow, accompanied by another $500B in overall market cap decrease.

That is an order of magnitude jump and it is not to be underestimated, but let’s not allow bad actors or failures to define the crypto industry. There are so many other good parts about crypto and the Blockchain industry that are still in the works:

Web3 is unraveling with its many pieces and use cases: the creator economy, smart contracts, GameFi, DeFi, DAOs, NFTs, token-based models, cryptocurrencies, self-custody wallets, the metaverse and much more. These are the artifacts and mashups of the blockchain economy from which web3 will emerge.

Extreme Enthusiasm or Excessive Hope?

There is no doubt the UST/Terra situation will be analyzed for months and years to come, just like the DAO hack and Mt. Gox fiascos were. Whether it was extreme enthusiasm or excessive hope in an unproven experiment, both of these factors were certainly responsible for compounding the gravity of the situation.

Longer term, we need to wonder if this incident was caused by a rare reckless driver or whether there are other projects or people with potential failures on the horizon.

There is a difference between experiments and fully proven and tested projects. The UST stablecoin relied on a protocol of algorithmic adjustment of supply (arbitrage) to stabilize its price. That type of algorithm is really at the experimental stage, and it did not pass the ultimate stress test that eventually killed it. The utopian thought of an algorithmic central bank is just that, for now.

Cryptocurrencies have given us innovative possibilities in the programmability of money, and it’s very exciting. This led to the field of smart contracts that codify business or technical logic into programs and commit them to auto-run on the blockchain. However, money protocols (e.g. UST) are at another level. They combine smart contracts and algorithms together in a compounded manner. If they work well, it’s great. But if they don’t, the failures can be spectacular.

The backers of Terra (or any other crypto project) shouldn’t be confused with an assurance of success. Backing a project simply means that you are willing to go down the risky path with them. It is an endorsement of the journey, not a guarantee for success. VCs are portfolio managers, and their true north is to diversify risk by investing in multiple projects so that the winner end-up offsetting the failures. It’s one thing if Terra/UST represented 5% of a given fund’s portfolio, but it’s another thing if it was 50% of someone’s investments or savings.

While experiments are necessary, we cannot just rely on the hope they succeed without knowing well what the impacts of failures might be. In retrospect, UST/Terra became too big too quickly due to excessive marketing and misleading analysts (that’s another subject I will cover in a subsequent post).

Stablecoins are essential and important for the future of cryptocurrency. Perhaps we should confine their constitution to the simple backing of verifiable assets, and refrain from exotic algorithms that are broadly at the experimental and risky trials stage.

“It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation, but you could lose it in a minute”. Such were the famous words of Will Rogers.

The crypto industry has been working hard to build a good reputation for the last 10 years, despite it being perceived to live in a closet as a fringe sector and not getting the respect it deserves.

We are still testing the boundaries of what's possible or not. Back in the early Web/Internet days there were many stupid ideas and failed ones. And there were spectacular failures as well (, Enron, Webvan and others).

We should not let failures or over zealous / reckless entrepreneurs define the crypto industry. Let us extract the lessons, and spring forward without that baggage.

Picking Apart the State of Blockchain, And Have We Earned It?

Cutting to the chase, here’s what I’m seeing in blockchain and crypto markets. I started writing these thoughts last week, before signs of the current market downturns became visible.

Meme Coins Will Not Yield Anything Except Speculative Fever

I understand the power of community sentiment and excitement as levers that can lift demand, but the intent of a cryptocurrency is not just about the cliché statement: “number goes up”. A bonafide cryptocurrency must serve a purpose and have multiple utilitarian use cases. Meme coins are an interesting phenomenon, but they offer little utility outside of speculative trading. Cryptocurrency markets are already irrational to start with. If you add uncertainty on top of uncertainty, you get irrationality at a multiplied level. The meme coins mania will not end well. Cryptocurrency is not a game or a joke.

SEC and Regulators Still Too Slow

There are the two types of regulators: the slow ones, and the negative ones. As the leading body amongst Western regulators, the SEC continues to be slow and overwhelmed in terms of bringing significant change. A ray of hope was recently uttered by SEC Chairman Gensler when he hinted that a new regulatory entity might be needed in order to properly deal with crypto-regulation. In my opinion, a focused (new) U.S. regulatory body will be necessary if we want to see real innovation in the form of benign regulation. Otherwise, we will get a continuation of hit-and-miss positions, incomplete guidance, overlapping regulatory frameworks, more wild-west behavior and overall risk for all involved. No new regulation is as bad as some incomplete regulation.

China Needs To Blockxit

Let’s be straight: China does what is good for China. Corollary: China doesn’t care about the impact of its actions on the rest of the world. True for technology, economy, trade, healthcare, politics and cryptocurrency. When the Chinese government says they are banning cryptocurrency, miners, crypto-banks, ICOs, or whatever the next thing is, these directives are oriented towards its own people. However, these communications missives muddy the water because of global interdependence implications. For example, I’m looking forward to the day when Chinese miners aren’t the majority anymore. Like the boy who cried wolf too many times, China’s roars on cryptocurrency are often like thunderstorms that don’t bring rain, or a bark without the bite. Each time China tries to whack the next mole, the crypto industry goes “ouch”, feels some pain, but things quickly rebound thereafter, by discounting these actions, and the whole market gets stronger overall.

Exchanges Crave Volumes, Not Validation of Projects

Most exchanges are challenged about managing their vertiginous growth. Volumes are their drug, and they need increasing fee revenues to continue funding their operations. In addition, they are fighting like hell to differentiate themselves from what appears to be a commoditized business. However, exchanges are not the ultimate quality validators for projects, despite what they might lead you to believe. At the end of the day, they just want volumes and will list token projects that are making headlines. Just look no further to how quickly many of the top exchanges tripped over each other to list the top meme coins, caving-in to “popular” demand.

No Price Discrimination

The reality is: some projects are under-valued, while many others are over-valued. But here’s the key question: how do you rationally evaluate tokens? Transaction levels, number of users and fee volumes (if applicable) are still the true North of activity; assuming there is a real raison d’être for a token. Many token-based projects have “apparent” success if you judge by their market caps, a number that has become a vanity metric more than anything more indicative of real value. Many crypto market caps need to be discounted, as there is little correlation to their fundamental metrics.

Governance Tokens Are Overrated

At the heart of most governance tokens, you will see a common legal rider that “the token has no economic value...holders have no claim on financial rights...governance token is used to oversee the xyz ecosystem”. That said, the dichotomy is that, no sooner are these tokens declared to be governance tokens, and supposedly distributed to “voters”, that you see that same token being listed on exchanges (central or decentralized), and very quickly these “no economic value tokens” start to earn exponential economic benefits to their holders. Incidentally, many of these “governance-first” projects end-up with very low voting turnouts (1-3% is not uncommon), and most of them don’t even have a utility role that is critical to operations.

Bitcoin and Ethereum Still The Only True Leaders

I’m not only referring to market cap leadership, although these 2 coins command close to 64% of the overall crypto market cap (as of June 22 2021). Rather, the fact that there are only 2 true leaders in a new emerging era is problematic when you contrast to the 5 Web2 leaders that comprise the FAANG analogy. Today, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google have a combined market value of $6.7 Trillion, and if you add Microsoft, those 6 tech leaders add-up to $8.7 Trillion. Bitcoin is sitting at about $600B market cap and Ethereum close to $220B. What will be the FAANG of crypto? We are probably far from seeing that group emerge, although for fun, I have made-up the CUBBE gang: Coinbase, Uniswap, Binance, Bitcoin, Ethereum, as potential blockchain lighthouse leaders.

DeFi Is Underhyped, And Mostly Mysterious

Despite its kwarkiness and risk, DeFi is the tip of the iceberg when you think of the future of global finance. But DeFi’s impact won’t be so significant unless it reaches awareness and adoption levels that are orders of magnitudes over the current ones. For that to happen, the barriers to user adoption must be lowered even further. Democratizing liquidity provisioning might be a foundational core upon which other layers build on top of. But each successive layer must be solid first, so that the whole doesn’t come crashing when things start to shake or when the boundaries get tested.

Talking Heads Who Are Not Experts

The market is fickle with commentaries from talking heads who don’t see anything but price action and momentum plays. Every other TV financial commentator is now asked to talk about Bitcoin or cryptocurrency when their knowledge is actually superficial or opportunistic. Most of them are clueless and just spitballing stuff. The loudest or most articulate mouth isn’t the smartest nor the most insightful. Beware of so-called experts who aren’t really experts. Ask them to enumerate several cryptocurrency use cases, or to intelligently describe DeFi, and their knowledge will be as thin as a razor. Someone who invested in an NFT company or just bought an expensive NFT last month is not necessarily an expert on NFTs or their future.

Ethereum Killers Who Are Not

“Ethereum killers” will not kill Ethereum, but will make the market larger. So-called Ethereum killers are still gunning for it, touting this or that feature as their ace card. However, those claims aren’t going far, because each blockchain should stand on its own, by self-differentiating itself based on its peculiar features or achievements. The reality is that - as other emerging blockchains become successful, they make the market larger as a whole. Ethereum and Bitcoin are in a league of their own. Most other blockchains attempt to mimic Bitcoin/Ethereum key aspects, with some degree of variation. Claiming feature superiority is one thing, but acquiring a network effect level of users to validate market success is an entirely different ball of wax.

Working Together Doesn’t Exist

The blockchain is natively global. It knows no borders, and doesn’t like barriers. Just as global issues require global cooperation to solve our world problems, I wished there was more native cooperation between some blockchain standards to increase interoperability, and make the user experience more seamless. Take stablecoins for example. When sending them around, you often need to specify which blockchain network you want them settled on. Sometimes, it’s a choice of 6 different networks. The user shouldn’t need to worry about that. On the other hand, wrapping coins on Ethereum has proved to be another way to ingest standards instead of fighting them.

Wallets Are Still Archaic

On one extreme, there are innovative wallets that are optimized for DeFi (e.g Zapper or Zerion), and on the other side of the spectrum, there is a variety of straightforward wallets that are simply optimized for token swaps. Of course, there is MetaMask as the uber wallet for non-custodial transactions. But there isn’t an all-around wallet that combines ease of use, security, variety (e.g. voting/rights access), DeFi, NFTs and generalized Dapps entry. General-purpose wallets will be to blockchain what browsers were to the Web. We need to see an evolution of wallets that captures the imagination of millions of users. Just as browsers stitched together the hyper-connectivity of content, wallets are stitching together the hyper-connectivity of money.

ICOs By Another Name

ICOs are still happening, but they aren’t called ICOs in order to stay under US regulatory radars. They typically start via a private offering of tokens at a favorable price to accredited investors. Then, a small percentage of tokens is offered (typically to non-US investors) at attractive prices with a cap on the allowed amount (in the $500-$1,000 range) in order to fake the decentralization of ownership, which is a factor along the decentralization spectrum. All these have some lock-up periods that are not excessive. Then, the network is launched, and the token is gradually released into circulation, and finds itself trading on DEXes first, then it gets picked-up by exchanges, depending on the number of headlines generated.

I do not see how the industry can positively move forward while logging garbage tokens with it. Some large market cap tokens in the top 20 will be a train wreck when it is revealed that the Emperor had no clothes. Some other under-valued tokens that represent real token usage, transactions, a circular economy, and active users will emerge and earn their rightful place along the valuation spectrum.

Irrational exuberance and bubbles are good propellers of activity. But bubbles don’t discriminate between good and bad activity.

No matter where we are in the overall market cap spectrum, we need to ask again this fundamental question that Vitalik Buterin once asked in December 2017 when the crypto market hit its first half Trillion mark: “Have we earned it”? Now, this question needs to be applied to each and every token and organization behind it, not just to the market as a whole.